Stories from a weekend in Tokyo

So Anne Marie and myself went to Tokyo for the weekend. We had a lovely weekend of wining and dining in lovely little locations and we also had a lovely time of shopping in fabric heaven. A street of fabric shop after fabric shop - ah delightful indeed. I have a recent love of fabric and every country I go to I seem to keep buying bucket loads of fabric. Now I have the challenge of forcing myself to make something... many things. I think I have a weird way of going about. Think it would be better to design something and then buy the fabric, ah but sure i'm shite.
A story from an evening in Tokyo
So we are getting the train home from that lovely evening of wining and dining. We get off the train and we are wandering along the street when we start talking to this lovely Japanese lad who admittedly had had to much sake to drink. So we chat away to him having an aul laugh, when he tells us that seeing us on the train was a great opportunity for him and he felt he must seize it. So he decided to get off the train a few stops early and strike up a conversation with us, which he managed to do very well without seeming like a weirdo who had followed us. So an interesting conversation followed basically the poor boy telling us his sad little life story, how he was unsuccessful in school just because he was shit at maths, so he dropped out, and now he works a shit job selling sake(hence he was drunk on sake), and he is treated differently because he is from the countryside. Ah the poor aul chap. He felt an hour with myself and Anne Marie could change his life, and he didn't want to do "anything naughty just to talk"! Anyway to make a long story that little bit shorter we eventually sent him on his way!
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